Mount Hermon

Mount hermon

If you are a ski lover, you should head to the north of Israel and take your Kids to Ski, just make sure that the snow is higher thatn 2 meter in the 1st level. More Places in Israel Send Us A Message Contact Us

Tel Aviv Stock Exchange

Tel Aviv Stock Exchange is the main and only place for Israeli companies that are seeking to raise capital in the free market to make progress and  grow. Tel Aviv Stock Exchange contributes significantly to Israel’s economic growth and employment. Come and visit this vibrant place. More Places in Israel Send Us A Message Contact […]

Tel Aviv Art Museum

The Tel Aviv Museum of Art contains a collection of the best classical and contemporary art from leading artists like Van Gogh, Picasso, Monet etc. More Places in Israel Send Us A Message Contact Us

The Steinhardt Museum of Nature

The Steinhardt Museum of Nature, the National Biodiversity Research Center, which operates within Tel Aviv University, is the largest and most active focus of documentation and science in the fields of biodiversity in Israel. About 5.5 million items are included in the collections of Tel Aviv University. More Places in Israel Send Us A Message […]

Chapel of the Primacy of St. Peter

Chapel of the Primacy of St. Peter – also in Tagbha, this chapel was believed to have been where Jesus Christ appeared for the third time after His resurrection and during which time he conferred on St. Peter the primacy over the Church. More Places in Israel Send Us A Message Contact Us

Mount of Beatitudes

Mount of Beatitudes – is a hill located on the northwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee that is believed to be the site where Jesus delivered his Sermon on the Mount. The Roman Catholic Franciscan chapel now sits on top of the hill. More Places in Israel Send Us A Message Contact Us

St. Gabriel’s Church

St. Gabriel’s Church – according to the Greek Orthodox Church, the site where they built St. Gabriel’s Church is the site where Gabriel announced the future birth of Christ to the Virgin Mary. According to their gospel, the well from which Mary drew her water from stands on the very grotto within St. Gabriel’s Church. […]

Church of Saint Joseph

Church of Saint Joseph – is built on the site of what Christians believed to be St. Joseph’s carpentry workshop. It is situated right next to the Basilica of the Annunciation, and like the Basilica, is built on top of the ruins of another Church. More Places in Israel Send Us A Message Contact Us

The Muslim Quarter

The Muslim Quarter is the largest quarter in the Old City. Located in the northeast corner of the Old City, this is where two of the most sacred places in Islam history are located – Al Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock (believed to be where Mohammed ascended into heaven). In Judaism, the Temple […]

Mini Israel Park

Kids will also love to stroll through a park filled with miniature models of Israel’s famous sites. To complement the park, there are souvenir stores, cafeterias and activity centers to entertain the public. More Places in Israel Send Us A Message Contact Us