Traveling in Israel may be a bit tricky if you’re not familiar with the day-to-day realities. Even though the Internet offers us plenty of information regarding anything, the truth is that Israel is may be one of the most unique and socially complicated country out there, so getting by may take too much of your time, eventually making you missing on some very important spots and most exciting sites for both religiously inclined tourists, those who feel the need to stand on the spots of historic events, or the common travelers looking to explore the ways of life in foreign countries.


How a tour guide can help you make the most of your trip?

These days, having a tour guide seems like a useless waste of money, because the information is all out there. However, things are very dynamic these days and some issues are better not to be discussed online, but being taken care of by a professional with the required knowledge. A tour guide israel can plan your trip down to the smallest details, including some issues you might not think about, such as finding transportation on Saturday and during the holidays, having a pass into some of the controversial locations in Jerusalem, Jericho, Hebron and other locations considered in-between the borders.


How to find the perfect tour guide

The most professional tour guide will always help you make the most of the money you invested into the trip. The best guide is one with knowledge of history and how to get around, someone who can offer you company at all times and with a vehicle (can save you a lot of money, private taxis are very expensive in Israeli, especially for tourists). Plus, a great tour guide will give you special insights about the country and expand your horizons greatly.